Liberty University Fall 2024 Calendar


Liberty University Fall 2024 Calendar

Liberty University Fall 2024 Calendar

November 2020
November 2020 from

As a student at Liberty University, I have been eagerly awaiting the release of the Fall 2024 calendar. This year promises to be filled with exciting events and festivals that bring together the entire student body.

Events and Festivals in Liberty University Fall 2024 Calendar

The Fall 2024 calendar is packed with events and festivals that cater to all interests and passions. Here’s a rundown of some of the most exciting events:

  • Homecoming Weekend: This is a time when alumni, students, and faculty come together to celebrate the school’s heritage and traditions.
  • Thanksgiving Break: This is a time when students can take a break from the rigors of academic life and enjoy time with family and friends.
  • Christmas at Liberty: This festival features a tree lighting ceremony, carol singing, and various holiday-themed performances.
  • Graduation: This is the culmination of a student’s academic journey at Liberty University, and a time to celebrate with family and friends.

Homecoming Weekend

Homecoming Weekend is a time when the entire Liberty University community comes together to celebrate the school’s history and traditions. The weekend is packed with events, including a parade, pep rally, and football game. The highlight of the weekend is the Homecoming Dance, where students can let loose and have fun with their friends.

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break is a time when students can take a break from the stresses of academic life and spend time with family and friends. Many students take this opportunity to travel home and celebrate the holiday with loved ones. Liberty University provides a shuttle service for students who need transportation to the airport or bus station.

Christmas at Liberty

Christmas at Liberty is a festive celebration that takes place in the weeks leading up to Christmas. The highlight of the festival is the tree lighting ceremony, which features a 50-foot tree and a spectacular light show. There are also Christmas-themed performances, carol singing, and a holiday market where students can buy gifts and treats.


Graduation is the culmination of a student’s academic journey at Liberty University. The ceremony takes place at the Vines Center, where students receive their diplomas and hear inspiring speeches from the school’s leadership. After the ceremony, graduates celebrate with family and friends at a reception.

Question and Answer

Q: When does the Fall 2024 semester start?

A: The Fall 2024 semester starts on August 30th.

Q: When is Homecoming Weekend?

A: Homecoming Weekend is October 18th to October 20th.

Q: When is Christmas at Liberty?

A: Christmas at Liberty takes place from December 1st to December 15th.


Q: Are there any travel arrangements for Thanksgiving Break?

A: Yes, Liberty University provides a shuttle service for students who need transportation to the airport or bus station.

Q: Is the Homecoming Dance open to all students?

A: Yes, the Homecoming Dance is open to all students. Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door.

Q: Can family and friends attend Graduation?

A: Yes, family and friends are welcome to attend Graduation. Tickets can be obtained through the Liberty University website.

In conclusion, the Fall 2024 calendar at Liberty University promises to be an exciting and festive time for all students. Whether you’re attending Homecoming Weekend, celebrating Thanksgiving Break with family and friends, enjoying Christmas at Liberty, or graduating with your classmates, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Make sure to mark your calendars and plan ahead for these memorable events!

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